Jan 2025
My paper "SnuggleSense: Empowering Online Harm Survivors Through a Structured Sensemaking Process" has been accepted by CSCW 2025.
Sep 2024
My research on online conspiracy theories was cited in a New York Times article.
May 2024
Attended graduation at UC Berkeley. Starting September, I will be a postdoctal researcher at Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.
March 2024
CNN published a news article about my research on conspiracy theories. Check it out!
SnuggleSense: Empowering Online Harm Survivors Through a Structured Sensemaking Process
Xiao, Sijia, Haodi Zou, Amy Mathews, Jingshu Rui, Coye Cheshire, and Niloufar Salehi. CSCW 2025.
Addressing Interpersonal Harm in Online Gaming Communities: The Opportunities and Challenges for a Restorative Justice Approach.
Xiao, Sijia, Shagun Jhaver, and Niloufar Salehi. TOCHI 2023.
Sensemaking, Support, Safety, Retribution, Transformation: A Restorative Justice Approach to Understanding Adolescents’ Needs for Addressing Online Harm.
Xiao, Sijia, Coye Cheshire, and Niloufar Salehi. CHI 2022.
[presentation video]
[Twitter thread]
Sensemaking and the Chemtrail Conspiracy on the Internet: Insights from Believers and Ex-believers.
Xiao, Sijia, Coye Cheshire, and Amy Bruckman. CSCW 2021.
[presentation video]
Random, Messy, Funny, Raw: Finstas as Intimate Reconfigurations of Social Media.
Xiao, Sijia, Danaë Metaxa, Joon Sung Park, Karrie Karahalios, and Niloufar Salehi. CHI 2020. Best Paper Honorable Mention (%5)
[presentation video]
ConsensUs: Supporting Multi-Criteria Group Decisions by Visualizing Points of Disagreement.
Liu, Weichen, Sijia Xiao, Jacob T. Browne, Ming Yang, and Steven P. Dow. ACM Transactions on Social Computing 2018.
ConsensUs: Visualizing Points of Disagreement for Multi-Criteria Collaborative Decision Making.
Mahyar, Narges, Weichen Liu, Sijia Xiao, Jacob Browne, Ming Yang, and Steven P. Dow. CSCW Companion 2017.